Monday, October 21, 2013


わたしはこのしゅうまつべきょしました。こんしゅうさんテストがあります。フリストホールとレウスのとしょかんで べきょしました。どようびにごごしちじはんにプリンストンだいがくのオーケストラコンサートにいきました。とてもよかったですよ。あまりコンサトにいきません、でもクラシカルがだいすきです。


Monday, October 7, 2013

Goals for PE2

            My greatest difficult with the first shadowing exercise was that I simply couldn’t speak fast enough to keep up with the recording (my brain is still too slow in “processing” Japanese).  With all of my struggles with speed, I was basically ignoring all the finer nuances of pronunciation, pitch, and prosody that were supposed to be the actual focus of the exercise.  Hopefully with daily engagement with Japanese (by things like reading the book, practicing shadowing more frequently, going to office hours, and continuing to go to the language table,), my speed will become less of an issue.

            In the last two weeks, I have gone to both of the language tables, but I could definitely devote more time to practice shadowing.  I have also not yet been to any office hours yet, so that could help too.